Thursday, May 20, 2010

Me hide it...

...has become one of Elijah's most frequently used phrases. The little sneakster is quite swift and the next thing I know, my phone, yarn, measuring tape, lip balm (you get the idea) is missing. While I'm left scratching my head and talking irritatedly to myself Elijah declares that he has hid whatever it is I've "lost". Parent with love, parent with love. I'm learning to embrace these happenings; they won't always be this way and I know I'll look back and smile at the memories. Might as well not spend the time being angry that Elijah is developing such a creative personality. He is honest, after all.

Earlier this week it was nice enough to play outside. Emily fell asleep in her playpen, which was next to my Grandma who on the back deck on her laptop. Since Emily was in good hands, Elijah and I ventured out into my Mom's big back yard. We started by kicking a ball around, but after it was retrieved from under a blackberry bush, we both agreed it was time to do something else. Further down into the back yard is a cleared out area that's mostly just dried dirt, with a bunch of weeds growing all around. Elijah wanted to dig in the dirt. There's a fire pit in this little cleared area and in the dirt is a bunch of dried twigs and small pieces of broken, dry wood.

Like most two year olds, Elijah was not bothered by these conditions and plunged his finger tips directly into the dirt, raking it towards him. Fearing of splinters and whatever else being pushed under his fingernails, I decided we would pull weeds. We'd still be able to "dig" around, but it could be a game. Who could find the longest roots? Loki joined us, like he does in most of our outdoor excursions. It's so sweet to watch them together. The fact that Loki follows us around is just pleasing all on its own. Such a loyal feline.

My little Em&Em is seriously rocking the head strength. She can keep her head and shoulders lifted off the floor for close to a minute before she gets tired. She hasn't shown much interest in rolling over while on her belly, but she does put beautiful effort into making sure she can still be a part of what is happening around her during her tummy time. However, when she's on her back having naked time in between diapers, she really is on the move. The girl can almost scoot herself in a full circle. She can also roll onto her side from her back. From what I've read, rolling over typically starts from tummy to back first. I can't remember now if Elijah rolled tummy to back, or back to tummy first. I'm inclined to say back to tummy, like Emily is leaning towards. I suppose we will find out soon enough!

I can't get over Emily's hair. It's getting longer, but not heavier, that's for certain. It just stands straight up. And you know what? It actually flips backward! It's the craziest thing! The very tips of her hair flip back, instead of forward. It'll be a while before I can get bows into her hair. Speaking of bows, I've been brainstorming homecoming outfits for the kids since Daddy is going to be home soon. This is what I have picked out for Emily:

I bought it on Etsy at this shop. It came in the mail a few days ago and it looks sooo cute. I haven't been much for the "girlie" stuff with Emily thus far, but you better believe I squealed something awful when I put this headband on Emily's head. I'm planning on having her wear a white spaghetti strap summer dress I bought from Old Navy with this headband for homecoming, weather permitting!

And for Elijah, I am going to be ordering this soon:
I just need to figure out what I'll be wearing and everyone will be set!

On second thought, if Emily keeps doing this while wearing dresses, she may not be wearing them that much longer.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Elijah has been peeing and pooping in the potty for roughly a week now! And he's going on his FIFTH night with out a cloth diaper!!! AND he has been sleeping in his own bed!!!!!

enter copious amounts of confetti, trumpet sounds, balloons, applause, cheering, and those little string pull-em-pop-it-thingees here>

When I ran out of disposable diapers last, I decided I was done buying them and if that meant him having to pee and poop in his underwear, so be it. Thankfully that hasn't happened too much. His first night without any diaper at all, was his idea. He made it through that first night completely dry! He actually had an accident last night, but it was the first one. I'm so completely proud of him. He has started stirring a few times and when he does I usually wake up (our beds are in the same room) and gently let him know it's time go potty. We're getting into the habit enough now where he doesn't protest and plops down, swaying sleepily with his eyes rolling back while he pees in his potty next to his bed. I get his pants up and put him back in bed without him hardly noticing. I have to be on constant alert, though, because he isn't quite to the point where he will tell me he has to go pee; he will just go if I'm not putting him on a potty every hour or so. With poop, he's great at telling me. I'm glad for that.

At least the floor is clean, right?

In other non-poop related news, Emily is trying her hardest to sit up whenever possible and is just thrilled whenever she is sitting up. Propping her up with pillows doesn't tickle her fancy usually; she has to be sitting while holding someone's hands so she can get a nice good glimpse of what is around her. Isn't her hair hilarious? Evidently mine used to do the same thing. I sent this picture to my Mom and when she showed it to someone they asked if I had rubbed a balloon on Emily's head to make her hair stand up like that. In case you're wondering, I did not do that. Her hair is just so feathery and fine that it simply won't lay against her head unless it is wet. Gosh, she is just so bright eyed and alert. She has to be facing outward when she's being held lest she miss something of visual interest. There is a big light fixture above the dining table that she will stare at for as long as anyone will hold her in front of it. And let's not forget her beloved cow that hangs in her car seat. She'll talk, smile, and laugh at the thing if she's content in her car seat.

Tomorrow we are going to an International Festival in the city. I know Elijah will have a great time because there will be so much directed at his age group for him to enjoy. Pictures to follow!