Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hazard Area

I spend hours attempting to keep up with the kids and put things away all day long. Now that I'm working on taking things out and packing them up it's like 3 times the destruction in here. I almost want to post a picture. Almost.

The way that we're going about this move is a little different. Because the place is right down the street from where I'm already at, there isn't much need for a huge moving day. I've been using the same 4-5 boxes and have done two mini trips so far. The first time was fun, what with having Emily with me and all. Josh spent the day unloading about half of our storage unit. By the time I was able to do my second run to the house a lot more of our belongings were in it. I'll tell you! It was pretty exciting seeing some of it. A lot of what was in storage neither one of us have seen since June of 2009. Like our big round chair that we hadn't even had a year before having to store it. It is essentially a sofa as it easily can hold the 4 of us. This isn't the color of ours, but you get the idea:

Relaxation Station.

It was fun rediscovering some books, priceless little tokens (airline tickets, letters, etc...), Elijah's first pair of shoes (cue sentimental mommy tears), and other goods. Josh and I had a moment alone in the house and we walked around talking about where stuff would go and what we want to hang on the walls and where. It was a fantastic hour. Very refreshing to have a moment with him sans children.

Ok, while it's great to blog, the kids are asleep and I should be packing!

Ok, seriously.

I will be better about updating! Perhaps it'll be easier to commit if I can compile all things remotely related to being a mother in this blog. So, from here on out, this is no longer child-specific reading, folks! We're talking all things parenting, crafting, at-home business, and children.

Moving on.

No more do I have to stress about functioning in a 200 sq ft apartment above my mom's garage. For those not up to speed, this is was my living situation during the time of my husband's deployment. However, he's now home and it's no longer necessary. Enter: new living space!!! *confetti*

We just signed the lease, like, less than 48 hours ago, and are slowly moving our stuff into it. I went to the local consignment store to drop off a few items of clothing and some toys and stumbled upon some toddler beds! Hey! I needed two toddler beds! With the store credit I had accumulated from consigning at this place, we scored two toddler beds for a pretty descent price. Space was a mild concern, but! - this worked out just perfectly.

Sneak peek of their room. And Husband.

No, the beds won't actually stay like that. And of course Elijah will have a mattress! But, you get the idea.

It has almost been a year since I started up my own business and really I've learned a lot of things! First and foremost, don't buy an Hp printer! Honestly! I bought that thing less than a year ago and already the ink-something-or-other had a system fail. "Pump Stall", it tells me. Hp couldn't even find that error message in their data base. Just my luck, right? I was only able to find out what exactly went wrong with the thing after trouble shooting on the phone with someone for roughly 45 minutes (after hanging up on the previous person I spoke with. The first guy sounded like he should have been on a surf board somewhere, had no idea what he was talking about, wasn't listening to a word I was saying, and just tried to sell me a new printer on the phone). The printer sits on top of the fridge, where it won't get baby-handled or toddler-stomped and still it breaks. I'm not excited about replacing this thing, but labels have to be printed!

Elijah is entering the name calling phase. Everything and everyone is a "baby butt". I get a kick out of gentle jesting, but we need some boundaries, here. Name calling, talking back, screaming in all came around a little over a month ago.

Something else he has been doing is expressing disappointment in the ever-so irritating sound of "AWwwwwwWWE!" You know, the loud to instant soft, gradual crescendo. Undoubtedly brought home from school. Not the worst thing, for sure, but still...

I have Emily asleep on my chest as I work out this blog and just now noticed she had a slipper on her head. How did I miss that? It was pressed against my cheek, even. Em is 13 months old and is a walking tornado. Everything gets opened, emptied, thrown, and pushed. She climbs. She stands on tiptoe to reach in drawers. Why put the blocks away? She turns the block box upside down as soon as they've been put away.

Don't be fooled by her delicate innocence.

Aside from being a complete momma's girl, Emily throws a fit when she can't have her way. We're talking serious tantrums. Collapsing to the floor, face first; pick herself up, throw her hands up and flop back down; using her feet to push herself along while her face is on the floor. If I take something from her or try to pick her up to remove her from a place she can't be, she goes limp noodle or arches her back and throws herself back hard enough that she's slipped through my hands once before. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt her but I really gotta hold on tight and lay her on a soft area so she can get the crazy fit out of her system.

More updates soon and hopefully some pictures of the new place as well!