The way that we're going about this move is a little different. Because the place is right down the street from where I'm already at, there isn't much need for a huge moving day. I've been using the same 4-5 boxes and have done two mini trips so far. The first time was fun, what with having Emily with me and all. Josh spent the day unloading about half of our storage unit. By the time I was able to do my second run to the house a lot more of our belongings were in it. I'll tell you! It was pretty exciting seeing some of it. A lot of what was in storage neither one of us have seen since June of 2009. Like our big round chair that we hadn't even had a year before having to store it. It is essentially a sofa as it easily can hold the 4 of us. This isn't the color of ours, but you get the idea:
Relaxation Station.
It was fun rediscovering some books, priceless little tokens (airline tickets, letters, etc...), Elijah's first pair of shoes (cue sentimental mommy tears), and other goods. Josh and I had a moment alone in the house and we walked around talking about where stuff would go and what we want to hang on the walls and where. It was a fantastic hour. Very refreshing to have a moment with him sans children.
Ok, while it's great to blog, the kids are asleep and I should be packing!
I love that chair!