Monday, March 8, 2010

Possible Giftedness?

Now I know what you're thinking, every parent thinks they have a brilliant child. Yes, even the parents with the child who throws him/herself down like a limp noodle letting out a blood curdling scream because they were told "No" to the candy bar at check out. The one with remnants of lunch dried on their face. You know the kids I'm talking about.

In all honesty, if Elijah isn't Gifted, then he is absolutely nothing short of amazing nonetheless. While at my in-laws Saturday, Elijah and I were out with sidewalk chalk. It was a beautiful day and jackets weren't even necessary! I was drawing shapes and asking Elijah to tell me what they were, and Elijah was drawing circles. He's been drawing circles for a while now. I went to one of his circles and told him I was going to draw a face. He stepped in front of me declaring it was his turn, so I moved out of his way and he adorned the circle with eyes, a nose, and a mouth. I provided the face with hair. Only after I was given permission, of course. Elijah then went on to give this face a body. He did all of this by himself. I only asked him if the face was going to have a nose. I didn't help him with placement of these features.
He went on to draw many other faces after the realization that he was equip with such artistic capabilities.

Now if this isn't advanced for a two year old, I don't know what is. He started counting to 10 and knew most of his colors before his second birthday. He knows a variety of shapes now and has a most impressive ear when it comes to music. He can keep time and makes up little dance routines to songs. When listening to music he picks out specific instruments like the guitar and/or drums. He sings along even after only having heard the song once. Elijah also has quite an arm on him and ever since he has started throwing a ball he can throw it pretty much exactly where he wants it to go. When Josh first deployed, I started showing Elijah on the globe where Afghanistan was. Within a few days he started showing me where daddy was on the globe without me having to help him.

Possible giftedness aside, it appears that Elijah is going to be left handed. Josh and I both are right handed. As are our parents. The only family member we could come up with who is left handed is one of Josh's Aunts. It has been so exciting to experience Elijah's development, I just can't wait to see what else my little miracle comes up with.

My other miracle is doing beautifully as well. I am sure that she is attempting real smiles. Sure she can smile, but I don't know that they were expressions of happiness so much as they were [successful] efforts to pass gas. However, adorable little sounds are emerging from a widely opened mouth in response to my encouraging coos now. She's so unbelievably aware of what's around her and takes notice to changes in her surroundings. I love how bright eyed she is. I'm fairly certain that sugar upsets her belly. This makes sense, but I didn't think that the small handfuls of M&Ms and the occasional brownie would make too much of a difference in my milk. Emily would beg to differ. Or rather she does beg to differ by waking frequently and tooting in between her aggravated movements and the occasional vocalization of her discomfort. Noted, my little love lump; no more candy. We'll both benefit without it anyhow!


  1. Love lump! That's so cute.

    I haven't studied child development much, but what he's doing seems extremely advanced to me! Glad you took some photos :D

  2. I love those drawings Eli made.
    Make sure you nurture those art and music tendencies, you could have the next Picasso or Bach doodling in your driveway!
    <3 you.
